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- From: Christopher Jefferson <ALMIGHTY>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.sci.time-travel,alt.sci.planetary,alt.ufo.reports,alt.alien,alt.bermuda.triangle
- Subject: Re: How UFOS travel thru space ?
- Date: 19 Jun 1996 20:44:38 GMT
- Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services
- Lines: 32
- Message-ID: <4q9orm$q8n@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net>
- References: <4ma9gu$8tb@info.abdn.ac.uk> <4msecr$c7l@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n06ho$gmu@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <conrad4-1105962343160001@dal25-29.ppp.iadfw.net> <4n7lf8$dvr@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <31BD644C.3803@goodnet.com> <31C035B6.719C@inforamp.net> <4pqnvb$jmj@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net> <31C2CDDF.78A7@teleport.com> <4q1a06$8bj@nuntius.u-net.net>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.research:26207 alt.alien.visitors:88446 alt.conspiracy.area51:11307 alt.paranet.abduct:5888 alt.paranet.ufo:53823 alt.sci.time-travel:5438 alt.sci.planetary:5147 alt.ufo.reports:9507
- cde@ecom.u-net.com wrote:
- >josh <jcarroll@teleport.com> wrote:
- >
- >>Aliens don't travel much...they're here and have been for many years.
- >> Since alien life spans are so much longer than ours, the influence they've had on our history
- >>has been profound. For instance, they abducted Elizabeth I and sterilized her, thus making it
- >>impossible to produce an heir to the throne of England. Doing this threw the region into such
- >>instability that a Scottish king, James V, was imported to try to keep the relatively peaceful era
- >>peaceful.
- >>This King James is the same King James of Bible fame....he was the final arbeiter of which of
- >>the ancient texts made it into what is probably the most influential book of our civilization.
- >> The Books, their order, the Gospels...all of these were decided by this imported heir.
- >>The Aliens have a plan for us. They want the power with which we glow and will destroy the
- >>bridge between the worlds to obtain it.
- >>Since we have become a spiritually bereft techno-ciety we are much easier prey; we all know
- >>that spooking game makes it easier to kill. It's a simple matter to pull people out one at a time
- >>and experiment on them to find the power source.
- >> The thing we all forget is how long these beings live...Elizabeth I was alive in most of their
- >>lifetimes. This plan will be achieved in the career span of one alien.
- >
- >Who let this twit out!
- >
- >Christopher in England
- >
- There's only so much space in the rubber rooms, Chris.
- Be Seeing You,
- Chris